Raise Utilization of your Existing Accounting Software through Training. Read below or click here for video
Here’s some points I think Finance and Accounting professionals may consider regarding utilization of their accounting software.
1. Value whatever accounting software you currently have. Sure you could spend $500,000 on a new accounting software, but if you don’t know how to perform the right accounting procedures on it, it won’t do much more for you.
I’m a trumpet player. I can use my $3,000 Bach Stradivarius trumpet or I can buy a $20,000 Monette trumpet, but I will perform at the same level.
The same applies to an accounting software.

You can look to implement a new accounting software that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, just know that without proper training and change management, the ROI may not be what you want.
2. Training is key to successful implementation of any accounting software. Until you get your new and improved accounting software, get trained on whatever software you have and raise productivity in your office.
3. There is a hidden cost to your organization from not training your staff to fully utilize whatever accounting software you have now.
And risk exposure from fraud or unwanted release of confidential and proprietary data will be high if you don’t learn to properly use your existing accounting software.
This is my “Motivational Monday” post for today
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This is John Herrera, CPA and municipal consultant from MuniTemps.