First impressions are important. How you present yourself when starting your new municipal job impacts how the rest of your time there unfolds. For this reason, you want to take steps to make sure your first day goes as well as possible.
Here are four things you can do to prepare.
Plan Your Commute
Determine exactly how you’ll get to work each day. Take into account traffic conditions during the time you need to arrive at the office. This is especially important if you’re traveling during rush hour. If you’re taking the subway, bus, or other public transportation, make sure you understand the schedule, so you get picked up and dropped off on time. A few days before starting your new job, do a test run of your commute at the time you’ll need to leave. See how long it takes to get to the office given typical traffic conditions, so you know when you need to leave home by. Have a backup route planned in case of an accident or other delays. Ask a friend to be on standby in case you end up needing a ride.
Understand the Dress Code
Know what the company dress code is. Showing up appropriately dressed will increase your confidence level and help you blend with company culture. Although you may be able to gauge the dress code during your interview, review it with your manager in advance.
Create an Introduction
Determine how you’re going to introduce yourself to coworkers. Sharing five minutes of information about yourself will facilitate conversation and help you get to know others. Include stories and events that highlight your skills and achievements to show your job qualifications.
Prepare Required Documents
Facilitate your onboarding by filling out the required documentation. You typically will need a copy of your Social Security card and driver’s license, passport, or other government-approved identification. If enrolling in direct deposit for your paycheck, you’ll need your bank account information as well. Plus, be prepared with emergency contact names and numbers, the amount of tax you’d like withheld from each paycheck, and other information you may need.
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