You Know You’re in a Recession When Your Neighbor’s Out of Work, But You’re in a Depression When You’re Out of Work!
The last 6 economic recessions have taught us much about what happens at City Hall and other municipalities during financial downturns.
Rather than simply relying on seniority, bumping rights, and MOUs, why not also take proactive steps to plan, prepare, and perform your jobs to “add value” to the “mission-critical” functions of your organization, making your position indispensable?
Yes, as municipal employees, you can personally take control of your success, don’t leave your job success entirely to others, and not only will you keep your job, but even thrive during the economic recession that has not even really shown it’s ugly head yet.
Last week MuniTemps Staffing announced it’s new “weekly” CitySpeak podcast and video channel (published on Thursdays) created to share helpful career tips for City employees and other municipal professionals.
This week’s CitySpeak episode is titled “Surviving & Thriving During Fiscal Crisis”. Listen in today if you can.
Click on the CitySpeak podcast and the video button inside this link: Click Here