As the end of the year approaches and a new decade begins, you’re probably thinking about career changes you want to make in 2020. Although change is good, it also can be overwhelming. To help with your planning, start by reevaluating your priorities to determine what you want your career to look like in the new year, then take steps to make that image reality. Follow these guidelines to set career goals for 2020.
Specify What You Want
Determine exactly what you want from your career in 2020. For instance, what does your dream career look like? What’s different about it from how your career is now? What do you want to be doing? Which services do you want to provide? What kind of team do you want to work with?
Define Necessary Steps
Clarify the steps needed to get what you want. For instance, if you want to be promoted to a higher leadership role, which skills and experience do you need to reach that level? What can you do each day, week, and month to fill that position? Which obstacles might you encounter? How can you overcome them?
Write Down Your Plan
Put your goal and action steps in writing. Writing things down makes you think through what you want to achieve and makes it more concrete. See yourself implementing the plan and attaining desired results. Share your plan with friends and colleagues so they can hold you accountable.
Take Action
Schedule the daily, weekly, and monthly actions needed to attain your career goal. Be intentional about putting in the necessary work to get what you want. You might need to add a new person to your network every week or send a daily end-of-day checklist to your boss to show what you’re working on. Find a mentor who can guide and support you on your path. Set realistic deadlines for reaching milestones. Challenge yourself to grow daily.
Schedule Reviews
Set up a time to review your progress at regular intervals. Keep your momentum and motivation strong by seeing how far you’ve advanced along your journey. Be honest about what’s working and not working. Adjust your plan to achieve desired results. If your priorities shift, revise your plan while continuing to work toward your goal.
Find a New Municipal Job
Find a new municipal job with MuniTemps. We place experienced professionals like you who understand local government in roles that fulfill career goals. Contact us today to learn more!